Holiday Design Idea - Wreath Earrings
Materials: Swarovski 5000 Round 4mm Siam - 12 pieces Swarovski 6301 6mm Fern Green - 30 pieces Silver ear wires - 2 pcs Silver wire, 24ga, 4" (Note: you could use 2 24ga 3" headpins and cut the end off) Instruction: Step 1: Cut wire in half (or cut ends off headpins) Step 2: String onto one wire (or headpin): one Swarovski Bead 5000 Siam and three Swarovski 6301 Fern Green. Repeat pattern four times, ending with one Swarovski 5000 Siam. Step 3: Form beaded wire into a loop, keeping beads in the center of the wire, and equal amounts of bare wire on both ends. Step 4: Twist wire ends around each other ONCE. Bring one wire end straight up about 1/4" and form a small loop at the top. Step 5: Wrap the wire from the other side around the 1/4" of straight wire only going as far up as the small loop on top. Cut off any remaining wire. Press wire ends in using flat nose pliers. Step 6: Open loop on ear wire and attach headpin loop. Step 7: Repeat steps 2 - 6 for other earring. |